AI panel

A panel of experts and enthusiasts gathered on Wednesday, January 17, to delve into the power and possibilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at a sold-out event on Broward College’s A. Hugh Adams Central Campus. 

The discussion, moderated by Dr. David Peridian, associate professor of Physical Science at Broward College, explored the transformative potential of AI across diverse sectors, from health services to criminal justice, education, and the military.  

Comprising thought leaders Rick McCawley, Tangy Frederick, Denise Mendez, Stephen Miller, and Garry Paxinos, the panel covered the breadth and depth of perspectives within the AI landscape. 

  • Rick McCawley, senior professor in Graphic Design Technology at Broward College 
  • Tangy Frederick, CEO and president of Cre8tive Devs Software & Regal Unicorn Software Academy 
  • Denise Mendez, principal software engineer at Microsoft Mixed Reality 
  • Stephen Miller, IT DevOps manager at Motorola Solutions 
  • Garry Paxinos, chief technical officer at NT Connect Holdings, Inc. 

Panelists agreed that AI adoption will change the job market by reducing demand in certain roles, and they also projected that other types of job needs will increase, resulting in a net gain in jobs because of AI. Sectors that will be positively impacted by AI with creativity, decision support, and enhanced productivity include health care, finance, education, marketing, and energy. In-demand skills in an “AI world” will be critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, communication, and collaboration, according to the panel. 

While AI is not new – Ms. Mendez highlighted the longstanding use of AI in filmmaking and gaming – the shift toward two-dimensional interface interaction is opening the door for limitless ways people can leverage AI to perform better and think more creatively. Younger generations need to train their brains differently than those who came before them, she said. The question becomes, “How do we help them ask those questions?” 

Some panel members discouraged educators from viewing AI as a threat or mechanism for cheating, but to see it instead as a partner and a tool for assisting with lesson planning and problem solving. According to Professor McCawley, AI can be leveraged to provide students with customized tutoring and support for learning differences. Ms. Frederick said educators can leverage AI to help students think critically, because asking better questions of AI can yield more powerful results. 

“We’re meant to be creative. To learn, adapt and innovate,” said Professor McCawley, who shared his belief that AI can play a role in helping humans reach their highest potential. “AI is there to help you adapt to a new world, to help you innovate and become your best self, if you ask it how.” 

Broward College is dedicated to equipping its community with tools for success. For those interested in AI offerings, the Center for Teaching Excellence provides valuable resources. 

Link to event recording

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