YOU AND THE BLUE: Newsletter for Friends of Broward College and Broward College Alumni
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September 2018

Broward College’s second American Dream Summit takes place at the Signature Grand on Wednesday, November 7. The event provides scholarship supporters the opportunity to meet and engage with the beneficiaries of their generosity.
The luncheon program features an inspirational keynote presentation with Ginger Martin, Chief Executive Officer of American National Bank, sponsor of the event. Ms. Martin will share lessons learned from her epic mountain climbing expeditions. Guinness World Record Holder Capt. Barrington Irving, a distinguished alumnus of Broward College and a member of the Broward College Foundation Board of Directors, also will appear.
After the luncheon, all Broward College students will be welcome to participate in a series of workshops covering life skills that will assist them as they transition into tomorrow’s workforce, such as social media presence, financial literacy, professional etiquette, as well as resume review, speed interviews and tips on dressing for success.
Since its inception, the American Dream Scholarship initiative has helped more than 1,450 students. There are thousands more who could benefit from your philanthropic support, which is in turn an investment in our community. Consider investing in this endeavor with a secure, charitable donation online.
On Monday, August 20, Ofri and Jack Cohen generously hosted a “Back to School” snack table for health sciences students on the North Campus in front of Eido’s Café.
Ofri, an alumna of Broward College, and her husband Jack, envisioned Eido’s Café as a manifestation of their late son Eido’s hopes and wishes during the time he studied nursing on the North Campus. Prior to the establishment of Eido’s Café, health sciences students faced hardships finding food and a place to relax and socialize between their classes.
In October of 2017, during the grand opening of Eido’s Café, the College announced the establishment of the Eido Cohen Memorial Scholarship for Nursing Students. The scholarship is funded from Jack and Ofri Cohen’s Trust, and every two years benefits five students who are enrolled full-time in the Associate of Science or Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs!
Early in Broward College’s history, an inventor and aviation pioneer provided the College with a transformative gift that funded the construction of a facility that continues to inspire and impact students today – the Emil Buehler Planetarium.
Susan Barnett, Director of the Buehler Planetarium; Nancy O'Donnell-Wilson, Broward College’s Vice President for Advancement and Executive Director of the Broward College Foundation; Mike Rump, member of the Broward College District Board of Trustees; George Weaver, trustee with the Emil Buehler Perpetual Trust; and Broward College President Gregory Adam Haile, Esq.
On June 8, there was a celebration in tribute to the reopening of the facility, which had been closed for renovation for nearly two years. The event included a reception and a brief presentation, where (soon-to-be) Broward College President Gregory Adam Haile, Esq. thanked George Weaver, lead trustee with the Emil Buehler Perpetual Trust, for providing the funding to renovate this facility, which has accommodated more than 2 million area students since its opening in 1965.

Just prior to the ribbon cutting ceremony picutre above, we met a student for whom the planetarium has proven to be a life-changing experience. Ayslinn “Blue” Cline enrolled in Broward College determined to pursue a field in medicine. An astronomy class and a chance encounter with a college professor changed her mind. She decided to make a career of studying the heavens. “I’d like to work in space exploration,” Blue says. “I want to help establish life for humans in space. I want humanity not just to live in space, but to thrive there."
Her interest in astronomy was sparked in a big way by astronomy Professor Susan Barnett. “I took her Horizons in Astronomy class during the summer of 2017,” said Blue. “She helped take my mere interest in space and turn it into a passion."
Professor Barnett further fueled Blue’s enthusiasm by encouraging her to apply for NASA's prestigious Community College Aerospace Scholars program. Blue was accepted for the comprehensive five-week online course, a program designed to inspire community college students to advance in STEM fields and to open doors for future careers at NASA. After completing the program, Blue was one of 280 top students from across the country selected to attend a four-day, all-expense paid event at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia.
Blue (third from left back row) with "Team Red" at NASA's Langley Research Center
Blue, a Davie resident, volunteers at the Broward College Observatory at the Buehler Planetarium on the A. Hugh Adams Central Campus, where she has served for about a year. She illuminates the details of the night sky for guests showing them the planets, nebulae and moon in unparalleled detail. “It’s the best part of my week,” she said. “I can’t imagine spending my Wednesday nights any other way. It has given me valuable hands-on experience and allowed me the opportunity to apply what I’ve learned from books to the real night sky."
Blue, a wonderful example of a student Empowered by Broward, is enthusiastic about her future and appreciates the opportunity for a future in the stars. "If it weren't for Broward College, I may never have taken that first astronomy course and discovered my passion.
On Friday, August 10, the Office of Advancement held an orientation for three new members of the Broward College Foundation Board of Directors: Captain Barrington Irving, Dr. Monica McGrath and Craig Farlie.
Judson A Samuels South Campus: Russell McCaffery, Dean of Transportation Programs; Dr. Rolando Garcia, Campus President; Capt. Barrington Irving; Craig Farlie; Dr. Monica McGrath; Nancy O’Donnell-Wilson; and Dr. Sean Gallagan, Associate Dean Transportation Programs, in the hangar at the Emil Buehler Aviation Institute
It was a full day of exploration beginning with a welcome from President Gregory Adam Haile and a finance update from CFO Jayson Iroff at the Downtown Center. This was followed by tours of the Aviation, Automotive and Marine programs on the Judson A. Samuel South Campus; Eido’s Café, the Vision Care Clinic and the manufacturing labs on the North Campus; and the Health Sciences Simulation Center and the Buehler Planetarium on the A. Hugh Adams Central Campus.
North Campus: Dr. Nora Powell, Dean of Health Sciences; Craig Farlie; Dr. Monica McGrath; Capt. Barrington Irving; and Dr. Avis Proctor, Campus President, in front of Eido’s Cafe
The newest members of this volunteer board were pleased to meet with program directors and learn more about Broward College first-hand, reflecting on how much they and the larger community need the education and experience the College provides its students.
A Hugh Adams Central Campus: Capt. Barrington Irving; Craig Farlie; Dr. Deborah Papa, Dean of Nursing; Dr. Linda Simunek, Associate Dean for the RN to BSN Program; Scott Rivinius, Associate Vice President for Development; and Dr. Monica McGrath in the Health Sciences Simulation Center
During the August 14 meeting of the Broward College District Board of Trustees, the Broward College Foundation acknowledged the inaugural gift of $100,000 to a donor-designated fund within the Foundation from President Emeritus J. David Armstrong, Jr. and announced that $22,500 of his gift will be used toward the Dream Makers’ American Dream Scholarship matching funds, to inspire others to support this scholarship and double the impact of their generosity.
In addition, they announced the establishment of the J. David Armstrong American Dream Scholarship, which will be awarded this fall.
Mr. Armstrong stated our American Dream Initiative is making a significant impact on our students, and he introduced Whitney Jezabel Ulerio Espinosa, who received an American Dream Scholarship last spring. Originally from Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, Whitney attended classes on Broward College’s North Campus and graduated with honors, earning an Associate of Arts degree in marketing. She was a member of the Robert “Bob” Elmore Honors College, served as a student ambassador and orientation leader, and was a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society.
J. David Armstrong, President Emeritus; Whitney, American Dream Scholar; Gregory A. Haile, President; Board of Trustees members: Matt Caldwell; Mike Rump; Gloria M. Fernandez; and Distinguished Alumnus David R. Maymon
Whitney said her dream was to get an education she couldn’t get in her own country, and the scholarship support she received helped her get over some of the rocks on her path to education. She thanked the Broward College Foundation, Mr. Armstrong and President Haile “for what you’re doing now and will continue doing over the years."
The next step in her educational journey will be at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, where she will pursue her Bachelor of Arts in Marketing.
Jennifer Saint Louis has joined the Broward College Office of Advancement as Manager of Stewardship and Donor Relations. With a background in non-profit management and student affairs, she has more than ten years of experience in higher education. In her most recent role, Jennifer served Broward College as a Senior Student Success Specialist. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Communication at Florida State University and her Master of Science in Higher Education Administration at Florida International University.
Classical, international and jazz music, independent cinema, theatre, dance – there’s something for everyone! Go online and see what’s in store.
When you include the Broward College Foundation in your financial and estate planning, you ensure your legacy of providing opportunity to students who are determined to change their lives through the pursuit of higher education. Help someone become Empowered by Broward!
For more information, email Jim DeChant or call 954-201-7079.
You are cordially invited to a special event hosted by the Broward College Foundation Board of Directors.
Food – Cash Bar – Races
This Saturday, September 29 from 12 noon – 4 p.m.
Admission is $40 per person – but for a limited time we are offering our You & the Blue readers a special discount – $20 per person or $35 per couple.
The last day of sales is Wednesday, September 26 at 11:00 p.m. Admission is NOT available at the door.
Make your reservation today!
For more information call 954-201-7414 or email

Did you know you could save money, save time, shop in your bunny slippers, and help students become Empowered by Broward all at once? When you buy your gifts, clothing, food, and other products through Amazon Smile, you can direct a percentage of your purchase to the Broward College Foundation and support the students at Broward College.
Prices on Amazon Smile are identical to those on the regular Amazon site. You’ll enjoy the same convenience and help make a student’s dream of higher education a reality.
Learn how easy it is to set up your Amazon Smile account.