YOU AND THE BLUE: Newsletter for Friends of Broward College and Broward College Alumni
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a newsletter for alumni and friends of Broward College
On Tuesday, September 10, nearly 100 guests attended an event the Broward College Foundation hosted at the Ritz Carlton to announce a significant commitment from Ramola, Nitin and Dev Motwani to create an endowment to support the college’s hospitality and tourism management program. The college also officially named its program the R. Motwani Family Academy of Hospitality and Tourism Management in memory of Motwani family patriarch, Ramesh “Bob” Motwani, who passed away 25 years ago.
Hospitality Program Director Dr. Robert Donato, Business Pathway Dean Dr. Paul Moore, Broward College District Board of Trustees Chair Gloria Fernandez, Nitin, Ramola and Dev Motwani, Associate Deans Dr. Jesus Fernandez and Dr. Thomas Walker
In addition to the launch of the R. Motwani Family Academy (with the “R” standing for both Ramesh and Ramola representing their common dream), the Motwani family committed to hosting an annual signature fundraising event for five years to secure additional resources for the Academy. The first gala event will take place on November 7 at the Conrad Fort Lauderdale Beach.
AutoNation CEO Mike Jackson, Broward College Vice President for Advancement and Executive Director of the Broward College Foundation Nancy O'Donnell-Wilson, Sentator George LeMieux, and Florida State Representative and Broward College Distinguished Alumnus Chip LaMarca
Hospitality Pathway Dean Dr. Paul Moore, Associate Dean Dr. Jesus Fernandez and Program Director Dr. Robert Donato were instrumental in obtaining this commitment to the college from the Motwanis. The family’s gift will support students seeking the two-year Associate of Science degree, which can lead to immediate employment in the industry or to continuing education at Florida International University in pursuit of a Bachelor of Science or a master’s degree in the field. The endowment will also support programs, including field trips and a lecture series, marketing to students in the College Academy, K-12 in the Broward School District, as well as all three of Broward County’s technical colleges.
Nitin Motwani, Ramola Motwani, Chae Haile, Broward College President Gregory Adam Haile, and Dev Motwani
The R. Motwani Family Academy will also encourage the expansion of the curriculum to include airlines, cruise lines, convention centers and other segments in the industry, with a heavy focus on customer service.
The Office of Advancement hosted a second roundtable focus group exclusively for Broward College Alumni.
Alumni roundtable breakfast crew: Renee Herman, Jose Robles, Laurie Anne Minoff, Antoinette Desir, Ashley Sacks, Alumni Relations Officer Jill Horowitz, Broward College Recruiter Stefan DaCosta, Sonny Azam, Christopher Sanz, Distinguished Alumnus Matt Rocco, and AVP for Development Scott Rivinius
A really great group of business leaders from our community joined together for a strategic planning session to discuss alumni engagement. We reviewed our survey that was being deployed, some volunteer opportunities and some networking opportunities for our Alumni & Friends Network.
Please email Jill Horowitz, your Alumni Engagement Officer, if you would like to be included in our next focus group.
On Tuesday, August 20, more than 40 students and colleagues gathered on the stage of the Ralph R. Bailey Concert Hall for a ceremonial check presentation from the Florida College System Foundation to the Broward College Foundation. It was quite a treat for our featured guests: Kathy Hebda, Chancellor of the Florida College System, and Randall Vitale and Distinguished Alumnus George Platt, who both serve on the Board of Directors of the Florida College System Foundation.
Broward College Vice President for Advancement and Executive Director of the Broward College Foundation Nancy O’Donnell-Wilson; Broward College Foundation Board of Directors members Derrick Roberts and John Bochak; Broward College President Gregory Adam Haile; George Platt; Faculty Senate President and BCF Board of Directors member Dr. Andrea Apa; Chancellor Kathy Hebda; Randall Vitale; and BCF Board of Directors member Gregory McGowan
This year’s support amounted to $85,415, representing $5,701 from Bank of America for their Dream Makers Scholarship, $54,718 from the Helios Education Foundation for First Generation in College scholarships, and $24,996 from Florida Blue for their Nursing and Allied Health Scholarship, which was matched by The Krause Family Foundation.
Bonnie Flynn understands you can’t just treat the person. You need to treat the whole family. This philosophy has served her well, starting with her work at United Way of Broward County and then for 20 years with Women in Distress.
Growing up in Central Florida, Flynn had planned on a nursing career. She completed two years at the University of Florida. When her husband was appointed to the faculty at Nova Southeastern University, the family moved to Broward County. Ten years after leaving UF, Flynn enrolled at Broward Community College and changed her major from nursing to psychology. She was ready to go for it.
Flynn is happy to share her BCC experience. She recalls the smaller classes and the smart advice she received from her guidance counselor, Dr. Parker. She also enthusiastically remembers working as a lab assistant for Dr. Bill Walker in BCC’s Psychology Department. As an older student, Flynn focused more of her attention on grades and learning.
When she compares Broward College to other Florida educational institutions, Flynn is very positive. She lauds BCC for providing more individualized instruction and for offering more mentoring and nurturing as she developed as a student. She notes BCC as being the means that helped her form and achieve her educational goals.
Flynn participated in a television campaign for the college with the motto “Just Go for It.” She loves a challenge and that particular phrase is still important to her. She was the first in her family to attend college and credits Broward College as an important part of her success in serving the South Florida community.
In 1987, Broward College named Bonnie Flynn a Distinguished Alumna. The college and its foundation honor alumni who have made outstanding contributions in professional, civic, public and philanthropic arenas and have demonstrated how their lives have been enriched by their educational experiences at their alma mater.
If you would like to nominate someone to receive this recognition, please email Jill Horowitz, your Alumni Engagement Officer.
The Education Pathway and Broward County Public Schools have partnered to offer you an informative and exciting session on reinventing your classroom through grant writing. Please join fellow alumni and your Teacher Education Pathway (TEP) professors for this networking event, where you will learn how to transform your classroom.
Sponsored by Wells Fargo, this event is complimentary for all Broward College TEP alumni and takes place on Tuesday, October 15 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. on the 4th floor of the library (Building 17) on Broward College's A. Hugh Adams Central Campus in Davie. Light dinner and refreshments will be served.
Responses must be received no later than Tuesday, October 8.
This year Broward College's annual Student Hackathon takes place October 25-26. The 24-hour challenge, hosted by the Broward College Computer Science and Information Technology Department, is open to all current students, regardless of major.
We would love to have your participation as a sponsor.
For more information, email or call 954-201-4572.
SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, April 16, 2020 at the Fort Lauderdale Country Club. Additional information is forthcoming.
Classical, international and jazz music, independent cinema, theatre, dance – there’s something for everyone! Go online and see what’s in store.
Check out the benefits on the Alumni & Friends Network site. One of them is insurance through GEICO. The Broward College Foundation benefits from each quote requested. To make your request for a quote count, identify yourself as an affiliate of Broward College at the beginning of the process. Even if you decide not to purchase your insurance through them, GEICO will credit your activity to the foundation's tally.
Did you know you could save money, save time, and help students become Empowered by Broward all at once? When you buy your gifts, clothing, food, and other products through Amazon Smile, you can direct a percentage of your purchase to the Broward College Foundation and support the students at Broward College.
Prices on Amazon Smile are identical to those on the regular Amazon site. You’ll enjoy the same convenience and help make a student’s dream of higher education a reality.
Learn how easy it is to set up your Amazon Smile account.
When you include the Broward College Foundation in your financial and estate planning, you ensure your legacy of providing opportunity to students who are determined to change their lives through the pursuit of higher education. Help someone become Empowered by Broward!
For more information, email Scott Rivinius or call 954-201-7490.