Broward College announced a $500,000 philanthropic investment by the Health Foundation of South Florida (HFSF) over a two-year period to maximize Health Science pathway student success.

As part of the investment, two retention specialists will be hired to assist Broward College students enrolled in degree programs in the Health Science pathway to persist in their studies. Additionally, the HFSF Scholarships and Book Fund will assist Broward UP participants and prospective students to enroll in Health Science degree programs. Wrap-around support services will also be rendered by the specialists to help prepare students for the health science program and enhance the use of existing support services provided by the College.

According to Nora Powell, Dean of Allied Health Sciences at Broward College, “The majority of our health science students that fail to complete aren’t finishing due to academic challenges but instead due to life challenges- managing family, working full time, etc. This contribution from HFSF will provide frontline student support to help navigate through these challenges and more.”

The goal of this investment is to help increase educational attainment among our students and to help Health Science graduates secure employment in our local community hospitals and health care facilities. In turn, the Health Science Pathway Student Initiative Sponsored by the Health Foundation of South Florida will serve as a model supported by data for other community colleges to enhance their student completion rates.

Read the full press release from the Health Foundation of South Florida.

Caption: The Health Foundation of South Florida was recognized at the August 9, 2022 Broward College Board of Trustees meeting for their recent gift of $500,000 to support the Health Science Success Initiative.

Featured: Scott Rivinius, AVP, Development (left); Dr. Nora Powell, Dean of Allied Health Sciences; Loreen Chant, President & CEO of Health Foundation of South Florida; Dr. Sara Turpel, Dean of Nursing;  Dr. Jeff Nasse, College Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs; Melida Akiti, Board Chair, Health Foundation of South Florida; Akhil Agrawal, Broward College Trustee; Dr. Jamonica Rolle, Interim Vice Provost of Academic Affairs;  Gloria Fernandez, Chair, Broward College District Board of Trustees; Gregory Adam Haile, J.D., Broward College President;  Zachariah “Reggie” Zachariah, Broward College Trustee.